
Letter From Rita

Posted by Judith Kastle on

Wanted to let you know I am enjoying your podcast, it helps me stay on the beam. My day of grace is 07/13/2004 - and 5 years in I decided to become a CD counselor. I recently moved to Cape Cod and became a Recovery coach.  Really struggle at times with my many "sober curious" (recent patient definition) client's and the industry's movement to harm reduction and multiple paths of recovery.  I find I need to continually connect with my tribe and have never stopped going to meetings (outside of COVID) however my daily reprieve is of the utmost importance. ...

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Letter From Mike

Posted by Judith Kastle on

Hi Clay Your podcast has been a perfect addition to my sobriety during Covid times. You are in my ears every time I go for a run; I prefer that over music because when I’m listening to you I can zone out and before I know it my run is done! It’s hard to find solution based meetings these days and I do agree that treatment has muddied the message a lot. I have been sober for 6 years now, and have made my amends, but there is one that keeps nagging at me. At the direction of my sponsor...

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Letter From Marissa

Posted by Judith Kastle on

Hey Brian -  I've been listening to your podcast for about a year now.  My sponsor told me about it around when the pandemic hit. It was around the same time I started going to Visions.  What an amazing group of people and certainly a place where I hear more about the solution than the problem. MANY MANY MANY times, I have wanted to write to you simply to say Thank you. Today, I am going to practice something different...something contrary!!!!!! I will listen to the inner voice (aka HP), which tells me, "Marissa, let Brian know how much he...

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Letter From Shannon

Posted by Judith Kastle on

Happy morning!  I love mornings now. Never thought I'd go from getting up shaking and puking and drinking vodka just to stop shaking (I thought beer settled my tummy 🤣) to looking forward to waking up early before the family and watching the sunrise every day.  I just was journaling and I thought of something you said once that stuck with me. I was like fuck yeah, THAT'S what I want. It was about feeling comfortable being comfortable.  The last week I have felt amazing. I've been doing hard work on me. All the fucked up shit inside of me....

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Note From Ana

Posted by Judith Kastle on

Hi.  Just finished listening to your most recent podcast episode and it was amazing. The vibes you send are the best. I appreciate you so much!  Best, Ana M.

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