News — Sobriety Sober AA Gratitude
Letter From Jeanette
Posted by Judith Kastle on
Greetings from Monterey CA…!I am listening to your podcast (via Spotify). I really appreciate that you emphasize sticking to what is in the big book… along with your experiences--still based on, guided by the big book. I also appreciate the shorter length of the podcasts, because the length makes it easier to stop/pause and listen at any time of day or night. And/or to keep listening to the next one! I just listened to the podcasts about the role of a sponsor, and steps 8 &9…. very refreshing to hear your refer to and read from the big book for...
Letter From Jared
Posted by Judith Kastle on
What's up man.. my name is Jared.appreciate your show! I've been clean for about 16 months and am a member of na. I'm going through the steps na style but I'm definitely been inspired by the peace, serenity, and love you share.. I'd be totally open to trying the steps out of the big book. I feel God has led me to hear you and the podcast greater than yourself guys and if you or someone you know would be willing, that would be awesome. I live in Boston.. but doesn't have to be in person..either way man God bless,...
Quietly Playing God - Letter From Byron
Posted by Judith Kastle on
Just heard the latest episode "Quietly Playing God". I can't believe the timing of this episode. Our son who lives with us has a serious drinking problem and he is on day 9 in a 30 day rehab. Just 10 days ago he was a trembling mess. We spoke with him last night and he is doing well, but he is already complaining about the rehab, giving hints of wanting to leave early, so on and so forth. My mind immediately started playing God about what it's going to look like when he gets out, he's going to do this and that and go to these meetings,...
Clay Feet Definition
Posted by Judith Kastle on
Hi ClayI just love your books and podcast! You are a big part of my recovery. I heard you describing the meaning behind feet of clay. I looked it up. Wanted to share another. Humility
Letter From Jose
Posted by Judith Kastle on
Hello again Clay!I wanted to thank you for sharing all those materials with us. People have been loving the format and the material. It has opened the door to discussion of the immeasurable quality of life we can live when we are not blocked off from our higher power. The idea that we’re not doomed to be worse off than others, is something I’ve been trying to push because any other way just sounds so sad. That we’re being punished for being alcoholics with extra f’d up brains is not what the book says. You’ve hammered that message home for...