Greetings from Monterey CA…!
I am listening to your podcast (via Spotify). I really appreciate that you emphasize sticking to what is in the big book… along with your experiences--still based on, guided by the big book. I also appreciate the shorter length of the podcasts, because the length makes it easier to stop/pause and listen at any time of day or night. And/or to keep listening to the next one!
I just listened to the podcasts about the role of a sponsor, and steps 8 &9…. very refreshing to hear your refer to and read from the big book for direction. I’ve had way too many sponsors who bring into the step process outside ideas/suggestions/demands.
I look forward to going back to the beginning of your podcasts and listen from that point. I found out about your podcasts as they are mentioned by you (?) on Instagram. Also, you have been a guest on APGTY podcast.
With much gratitude
Jeanette A, recovered alcoholic
Letter From Jeanette
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