Hello Mr. Clay Feet,Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Maurene D. and I am an alcoholic. My sobriety date is 10-10-2019. That is not my first sobriety date but I hope and pray I keep it this time.How are you doing? How is your health? Is your tan holding up? What is your next modeling gig??I have been thinking about writing to you for some time now. My BADBS (Bad Ass Dearly Beloved Sponsor) told me about your podcast over a year ago. I was listening to her so intently that I started listening to a different podcast!😆 As my time in recovery increased, so did my listening skills and I realized my mistake. I eventually started listening to your podcast and now I listen as much as I can. I love your podcast because of your humor, your heart and you allow God to work through you.I am currently on episode 202 and I hope to get caught up so I can listen live soon. I loved episode 100 and 200 because of your wife and friends being on the show. I can't wait for episode 300!!!I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the courageous action and putting out the podcast. Please thank your wife for her hard work too.Thank you for making me laugh out loud.Thank you for carrying the message.Thank you for being you.Your podcast has added to my spiritual depth and I am truly grateful to you for that.My BADBS just finished your workshop today and she is on fire from it! My hope is that you will do another workshop and I could take your workshop. If you do another one will you please let me know??I CO-Secretary a meeting Saturday mornings at 8:35 am called the Good Stuff West. It's a closed meeting where we share the good things that are happening in our life today because we are sober. It is a hybrid meeting (in real life or on zoom) out of Cambria, CA. We would be honored if you would come or zoom in and kick us off. You get 10-15 minutes to tell us your good stuff then we all share. I think you would really dig the group because we share similar humor. It's a great way to kick off the weekend. Please let me know if you might be able to join us some Saturday.I want to write some more things but I am not funny in written form.I know you are very busy eating in and out and greasing up for your next photo shoot so I better end this email. I do hope you write back.I, too, am going to try to live a life worth saving.....Take care,Maurene A.
Letter From Maureen
Posted by Judith Kastle on