Hi Clay,Hallelujah. Thank the Lord. This is literally the first time in 37 years of recovery I have ever heard anyone in the program say this other than my original therapist (who is in the program), my current therapist, and those in my recovery pit crew.I always say “Anger is a normal human emotion. Learning how to express it in a healthy way is the issue in recovery.”One of my huge pet peeves in AA is the widespread oft-repeated dogma that anger is pathological, wrong, is denied, etc.THANK YOU.Leslie MaendlNovatoEpisode #35 - "Do You Feel Obligated to Act Like You Never Get Angry?"
Recovery Radio Podcast - KMP3 - Long-Term Sobriety in A.A.
In this episode I talk about the difference between anger and resentment. The Big Book uses "resentment" and "anger" interchangeably, because Bill W. did not like to repeat words - but that does not mean that they are the same thing. Allowing myself to feel it when I'm mad is a big reason that I usually feel peace now.Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/recovery-radio-podcast-kmp3-long-term-sobriety-in-a-a/id1476344367?i=1000467688270
Letter From Leslie
Posted by Judith Kastle on