Hi Clay and your beautiful wife I’d like to say congratulations on 400 episodes …… I can’t express enough how much you’ve helped me through my journey these past three years I am truly blessed to have found you and this podcast….. I’d like to mention that you and your wife are such beautiful people just by listening to you share… the bond between you is truly a beautiful thing…. I also believe your wife would qualify to start her own podcast there’s so many people out there that could learn from her experience strength and hope…..
Hopefully you’ll have her on more often ….as I have said before I also miss Dave it would be nice to hear from him again…..
It was so funny to hear her say that you’re Bronzed body all she sees is your shiny white teeth and beautiful blue eyes that is hilarious!!
Thanks again for letting me be a part of both of your lives have a great weekend keep up the great work …….talk to you soon
God Bless
Dan from Cleveland
Dan From Cleveland
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